In particular with newer Linux distributions it can happen that a SIS315x cannot be accessed via USB.
The “OpenTest” program will terminate with the following error message in that case:
Hello world!
device 0
path: 002/005
vendor: 1657
product: 3153
Error in ‘Sis3150usb_OpenDriver_And_Download_FX2_Setup’: -1
The error is caused by missing write permissions for the USB device. To request the required authorizations, a new udev rule must be added to /usr/lib/udev/rules.d.
Create the file “99-struck-sis315x.rules” in this directory and add the following content:
# SIS3150 USB
SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==”1657″, ATTR{idProduct}==”3150″, MODE=”0666″
# SIS3153 USB
SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==”1657″,ATTR{idProduct}==”3153″, MODE=”0666″
Get 99-struck-sis315x.rules file
The SIS315x should be accessible without error after a system restart.