SIS3100, SIS3300, SIS3301 SIS3820 and several other Struck boards use the Xilinx XC18V04 Serial PROM to hold the firmware that is uploaded to the FPGA at power up.
Depending on the Impact version and the Silicon of the XC18V04 you may get an error message indicating, that the IDCODE of your PROM does not meet the expectance.
INFO:iMPACT:583 – ‘2’: The idcode read from the device does not match the idcode in the bsdl File.
INFO:iMPACT:1578 – ‘2’: Device IDCODE : 00000101000000100110000010010011
INFO:iMPACT:1579 – ‘2’: Expected IDCODE: 00000101000000110110000010010011
You will want to locate and modify the xc18v04.bsd file:
..\ISE_DS\ISE\xc18v00\data\ xc18v04.bsd
attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of XC18V04: entity is
“XXXX” & — version
“0101000000110110” & — part number
“00001001001” & — manufacturer’s id
“1”; — required by standard
attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of XC18V04: entity is
“XXXX” & — version
“01010000001X0110” & — part number
“00001001001” & — manufacturer’s id
“1”; — required by standard
You may want to refer to the URLs below also:
Xilinx Forum 1
Xilinx Forum 2