The obsolete W25Q64FVSSIG FLASH memory of the SIS3316 VME digitizer needed to be replaced with the compatible type W25Q64JVSSIM at some point after the end of iMPACT support.
The ‘ID check’ must be deactivated in order to program this new FLASH type with iMPACT.
To do this, the line ‘export XIL_IMPACT_SKIPIDCODECHECK=1’ must be inserted at the end of the ‘.bashrc’ file:
- Start the ISE 14.7 VM
- Open a terminal: Applications > System Tools > Terminal
- copy and paste the following into the terminal and execute it: echo “export XIL_IMPACT_SKIPIDCODECHECK=1” >> ~/.bashrc
- Restart the VM
The FLASH to be selected can be seen below:

The same holds for higher serial numbers the SIs8300-L2 and SIS8325 digitizer AMCs (please refer to SIS8300/8325/x PROM IDCODE not recognized by Impact | Struck DAQ Blog).