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Author Archives: mki
SIS8300/8325/x PROM IDCODE not recognized by Impact
The current Winbond PROM W25Q64JVSSIMT (which is used on several Struck products) has an ID code that is not supported by the Impact software.You have to set the following environment variable on the PC you are using the JTAG programmer … Continue reading
SIS3153 USB VfyAlloc Error with Windows driver 1.1
Issue: “error Usb driver VfyAlloc” upon vme_A16D16_read() with LabWindows CVI V2015 on Windows 7 machine with driver version 1.1 Fix: Upgrade to driver version 1.2 www.struck.de/sis3153w_1.2.zip
LLRF Workshop Poster on ESS AXI based Firmware Framework w. SIS8300-KU Digitizer Implementation
A Poster on “The ESS FPGA Framework and its Application on the ESS LLRF System” was presented during the 2017 LLRF Workshop in Barcelona. The framework was developed in a close cooperation between ESS ERIC, Lund University and Struck Innovative … Continue reading
Posted in Digitizer, Firmware, LLRF
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SIS1100e PEX8311 V2 EEPROM File
Prefetchable base address capability has to be enabled on the PEX8311 PCI Express to local bus bridge chip to perform 64-bit direct master or DMA transfers. This is of relevance on machines from 4 GB of memory on. The corresponding … Continue reading
Posted in Digital I/O, Firmware
Tagged blue screen, prefetchable base address, SIS1100e
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SIS3153 Ethernet SFP reset issue serial numbers16-39
The SIS3153 Ethernet to VME interfaces with serial numbers in the range from 16 to 39 have a some 10% probability reset issue at power up. Please have trained personel remove resistor R200A to remedy the erroneous pulldown. USB3.0 operation … Continue reading
Rare I2C communication issue on DWC8300 R11
Rare difficulties with I2C user bus data Transfer upon setting attenuators or reading I2C devices. Fix: removal of capacitor C48 (by trained personnel) Shipments from October 10th 2016 onwards will have C48 removed. Temporary fix without Hardware modification: Set DACA … Continue reading
XC18V04 Serial Prom IDCODE not recognized by Impact
SIS3100, SIS3300, SIS3301 SIS3820 and several other Struck boards use the Xilinx XC18V04 Serial PROM to hold the firmware that is uploaded to the FPGA at power up. Depending on the Impact version and the Silicon of the XC18V04 you may get … Continue reading
SIS8300-L2 Firmware with PME_turn_off Workaround
The (non AXI) PCI Express endpoint of the Virtex 6 can be rendered inaccessible after a PME_turn_off command (from a CPU reboot). A core reset was added to the pcie_interface.vhd as a workaround in that situation with minor firmware revision … Continue reading
TAMU SHE SIS3316 Si/YAP Readout Using HE and Trigger Mask Functionality
Super Heavy Element (SHE) production imposes stringent requirements on trigger generation. TAMU uses a set of four 16 channel 250 MSPS 14-bit SIS3316 digitizers to read out a setup consisting of YAP and Silicon detectors. An advanced triggering scheme utilizing the more recent … Continue reading
SIS8300-L2 Windows Labview Support
Fini Jastrow of DESY has developed a SIS8300-L2 VI, which is based on Struck’s single read, single write, DMA read and DMA write Windows Driver calls. It is available to interested parties under the Lesser Gnu Public License (LGPL). Screenshots … Continue reading