Board Level Electronics
Our core business is Board Level Electronics. The combination of Field Programmable Gate arrays, state of the art broadband conversion products and integrated circuits from leading suppliers enable us to supply you with commercial off the shelf yet customizable solutions. Our product range covers high speed -high resolution- digitizers, interfaces and digital I/O boards.

Roll Surface Inspection
The second focus of activities lies on automatic optical control of ground or Electro-Discharge Texturing (EDT) treated roll surfaces. The roll surface inspection system (RSIS) is available for new grinders, to retrofit older grinders from all manufacturers, EDT setups or as a standalone system. A mobile system for the flexible use in different rollshops/locations is available as well. RSIS is available exclusively through Herkules.
Download the Roll Surface Inspection flyer.

VME Interface Family
Our active VME interface line can be a good option to overcome obsolescense/discontinuation of hardware from other vendors in your application. Custom/application specific firmware design services and system integration are available.

Download Our Current Conference Flyer as PDF